concerning the wt study of July 2024, several beliefs not based on the bible were debunked, again. a lot of future speculation about who will be resurrected and who will not.
it seems to this writer that a more circumspect consideration be employed. It takes a certain amount of hubris to dictate to the god of the universe what he will do in the future. there may be a thing as reading too much of the Bible. As with anything, doing something that intense leads to seeing things that are not there.
this has been a chronic problem with the disciples back at HQ in Ransack, NY.
Anyway, the study was about types and antitypes (sorry, you're on your own). Regarding Noah, the ark had it door closed by Jehovah, and... they drew the comparison to the last days when Jehovah would close the door on the opportunity to enter into salvation. they said that was a lot of butt-fluff, they made it all up. (see 1 Peter 3.20)
So, one of our fine women (sisters in the parlance of JW-speak) commented that that means Jehovah may leave the door open to some.
It means the title of this post, "There is no door".
no one corrected her.
-- you'd think they'd learn